Eduardo Fuhrken

Front End Engineer


9 years experience in desktop and mobile web application design, development, and optimization. Avid advocate of open web standards, progressive enhancement, and performance best practices. Particularly interested in JavaScript, and cutting edge web technologies. Dedicated to staying up to date with the latest technologies, and always using the best tool for the job.


October 2011 - September 2012

Front End Engineer -

April 2010 - November 2011

Lead Front End Developer - Digital Operative

October 2009 - April 2010

Web Developer - Drink Your Drink

2007 - 2009

PHP Developer - Freelance


BSc Web Design And Interactive media, Art institute of California - San Diego



jQuery (plugin dev, jQuery UI), Prototype, Node.js, Backbone, JavaScriptMVC, CoffeeScript, HTML5 APIs, QUnit, contributed to the JavaScript port of the Liquid Templating Language


CSS3, OOCSS, SASS, Less, Stylus, cross-browser compatibility, responsive layouts, graceful degradation

Server Side

Ruby on Rails, PHP, Zend Framework, CakePHP, Wordpress + plugin development, Python

Version Control

git, Subversion


Apache, *NIX, MySQL, bash, zsh (the best), Photoshop, Titanium

Personal Profile

JavaScript enthusiast, late night hacker, write tests for everything, steadfast problem solver, known to lose sleep over performance issues. Strong opinions, loosely held.